UI & UX Design Service
Our UX Design experts can help you to create the perfect user experience. Our professional and experienced team designs software user Interfaces, be it for applications being developed by Tappware, or for our clients who wish to implement the designs and guidance into their own software.

UX plays the most significant role in any designing software. The simplification of the menu/feature with an excellent color grade is the main key function. A user interacts with a piece of software or app, and how they feel when interaction with it. The goal of UX design in business is to “improve customer satisfaction and loyalty through the utility, ease of use, and pleasure provided in the interaction with the product.”



UX Design at Tappware


What is UX Design?


User experience (UX) design is the process design teams use to create products that provide meaningful and relevant experiences to users. This involves the design of the entire process of acquiring and integrating the product, including aspects of branding, design, usability and function.


The importance of UX Design


  • UX tries to fulfil the user’s needs and builds a better customer satisfaction–conversion–retention journey.
  • UX aims to provide positive experiences to the user that keeps them loyal to the product or brand.
  • UX defines customer journeys on your product and establishes a two-way relationship between the maker and the user.
  • UX reduces costs for development/bug fixing/marketing and so on.
  • UX provides improved return on investment (ROI)
  • Sometimes the product doesn’t need to be innovative. It simply takes the usual idea and represents it differently. The user-focused design makes the product stand out.
  • UX helps provide intuitive experience, coherence & continuity and platform-specific designs.



The UX Design process

When a client comes to the designer with a problem, most of the designers jump straight to solutions.


Solving problems the UX way looks like this


Smart user experience design starts by identifying the problem and guiding all ideas to solve that problem. Before starting to solve problems, let’s answer these questions.


Methods of the UX Design process

Here are some basic steps to start the user experience project.


1. User Personas

The first step in the process is getting to know your audience. This allows you to develop experiences that relate to the voice and emotions of your users. To begin this, you will want to create a user persona, which is a representation of a particular audience segment for a product or a service that you are designing. It allows you to create an example of the kind of person that might be using your product or your service.


2. User interviews
Interview existing and potential users of the product or service to gain insight into what would be the most effective design. Because the user’s experience is subjective, the best way to directly obtain information is by studying and interacting with users.


3. Job Stories
A short, simple description of a product feature told from the perspective of the person who wants that feature.


4. Functionality map
Once you’ve studied the job stories, start by building a functionality map for the pages you would like to create. A functionality map is a clearly organized hierarchy of all the pages and subpages within your product.
Creating a functionality map makes it easier to imagine how a user will get from point A to point B on your product, It is an effective tool for adding efficiency to the product building process.


5. Wireframes
The visuals on each page matter just as much as the site structure, so invest time into creating wireframes, which are visual guides that represent the skeletal framework of a product and provide a preview of your product’s look and feel. With a wireframe in place, you can eliminate usability issues before it gets developed. This can save your development time for necessary adjustments down the line.


6. Prototyping
A prototype is a “mockup” version of your final product, which is then used for user testing before a product launch. Its goal is to reduce the level of wasted time and money that can often occur when proper testing has not been carried out on a product prior to launch.


7. Usability testing
Usability testing is a way of testing how easy it is to use a product by testing it with real users in order to identify any roadblocks or friction they might face when interacting with it.



We must grow through enthusiasm and honesty and we have a responsibility to produce results.


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